Saturday 1 November 2014

Thinking about gameplay

Looking into 2D sprites 

After completing my design sheet of what my character, Light, was going to look like, I thought it would be a sensible idea to do a little image research into the type of design that two side scrollers usually go for in their characters. For a long time, 2D side scrollers were usually done in a '8 Bit' style, where everything is done via pixels and has a certain square and bold looks to it but this is something I am strongly trying to steer clear of as I want to do something far more fluid and soft to look at, not so blocky in art style.

I knew that if I wanted to do a 2D side scroller I would have to work with sprites which is the name given to in game objects such as your character, or enemies, or a item you may have to pick up, or even the background, they are all named as sprites. I also knew that with a 2D side scroller, the character sprites have different 'animations' to make them work, so for example they will have a few frames dedicated to the running animation and a few for the jump animation, all of these put together will build up the character mechanic and make them work properly. I then took some time to do a little image research to find different sprite sheets that show each 'picture frame' used in the animation process, the best example I found are the images below.

I was having a little trouble when it came to thinking about how I would have to position my character to make it look like they were different movements but after looking at these sprite sheets above, it has helped me see the certain frames that would be needed to complete different animated movements, Using these as a reference it will then be my job to start drawing out Light in different positions for what actions I want the character to complete, this will be the same with any enemies I add too. 

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