Thursday 27 November 2014


How I felt this project went

Overall I am rather pleased with how this project turned out. I was very apprehensive at the beginning when we first received our brief and I was certain that I wasn't going to be able to produce all the work given in the amount of time that we had. But I believe this worry pushed me to work harder this year then I did in my previous projects as I really wanted to do a good job on everything as a lot of things we had to do were a first for me. I did struggle in a through areas of the project. This was mainly in the area of scripting my games mechanics in Unity as I had absolutely no experience with either the software or coding in general so there was a lot of new stuff for me to learn there. The second issue was my time keeping, I spent far to long researching into my concept and designing my level and characters that I certainly didn't leave enough time for everything else which is something that I need to work on for the next project.

On a more positive I think I learnt a whole bunch of new skills, especially to do with creating a game and the documentation that would go with it which is a really important thing to know how to do for the future. I also really enjoyed going right from the basics and actually having a playable game at the end of, it was a really satisfying thing to complete.

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