Thursday 14 January 2016

Finding out my BA3a results

What did I get and what was my feedback?

This is just a super quick blog post about my results for BA3a and what sort of feedback I received from my tutors about my work and what they thought I could possibly improve on in the future. So I received a mark of 63% which equals to a 2:1 which is actually a lot better than I thought I was going to get which I am really happy about and should put me on a good track for what my final overall grade should be. Although Mark did say to me that one thing I needed to cut back on was worrying about my grade. He said he visually see I get a little too anxious about it and need to just focus on completing the work to do good standard and focus on passing instead of getting hung up on getting a first which is actually really good feedback as I know it's something I need to work on. As another area of feedback we also spoke about my attitude towards my artwork and how I tend to feel quite negatively about it and why. Mark mentioned that I should try and stay as positive as possible, even if something isn't fantastic, I shouldn't ever point that out myself, I should keep it either as neutral or positive as possible so this is something I can work on as well. 

Apart from this he basically told me just to get cracking with my project work and that It is looking really nice so far. He told me what I need to do now is focus far more on the actual production of my art work, making sure I am getting some good content of sketches and digital piece and then I can do a little research if need be. I need to follow a pattern of art then research then more art and a little more research, ect, so that I am keeping my work following which I am certain I will be able to do. 

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