Tuesday 13 May 2014

Contextual Studies Designs

The character development process

Once I had discussed my ideas and concepts with my partner Andrew I had a look into the art style he wanted to work from. The game 'Journey', and indie video game released on March 13, 2012, had a very simple yet effective art style. In most situations, block colouring with only a bare amount of shading looks far too simple but Journey manages to pull it off perfectly as the game is both visually stunning and creative. Below are a couple of images from Journey.

After doing some image research into the appearance of the robed figure you play as in the game, how they were drawn and coloured, and I was able to start work on my designs for Blabber mouth, beginning with a series of silhouettes. I had a pretty solid idea in my head of what I wanted her to  look like but at first I was struggling a little to adapt to the new style of drawing I had to do. I like a thick bold outline and more detailed faces in my regular concepts but for this I had to be a lot looser with my designing which is something I had to adjust too, as well as making sure I was sticking to the art style of the game.

I completed a small series of silhouettes, adjusting simple things like patterning on her arms and shoes as well as trying out different hair designs which, in the end, lead me to a design I was keen on using. I decided to choose one of the designs that didn't have her wearing her cap as I thought it was a better representation of her free and empowering spirit instead of her when she is a repressed page. I also kept her tunic fairly similar in each design as this is how I first pictutred her looking when I read the book and I didn't want to stray from this initial design too much as I really liked it. After completing the silhouettes I soon moved onto getting my colours down as this is always a part of the design process I enjoy doing. I tried out two fairly simple colour variations to stick with the low saturation and red to yellow colour scheme of Journey, adding a little bit of purple in for variety before moving onto a far more colourful and eye catching design just to see how it would look in comparison. Overall I liked the colour variation with purple in as she is supposed to be a page to the king and royalty is known for it's deep maroon colours as it is supposed to be seen as regal so I decided that was the one I should stick with.

After going through the design process and picking which colour variation fitted best with my character choice and Journey's art style, I thought it would be a good idea to re draw my concept as a bigger, more detailed and refined image, also in a different pose to show I had completely finished piece. I positioned her in a way that she could be seen in game, armed with her silken gold juggling balls and a determined smile on her face .

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