Friday 28 March 2014

Continued contextual studies work

Character creation

During our latest contextual studies lecture, which is one of the best lectures we have had by far in my opinion, the class was were all split up into groups of five or six and were asked to play the game 'Exquisite corpse'. This is the game were each person draws one part of the body and then they fold the paper over so no one can see what they have drawn. This process continues for each person until finally all the body parts have been draw. Then you are finally allowed to open up your piece of paper and see what monstrosity has been created. The creature below Is what I ended up with. After this was completed we were asked to write a rough description of the 'person' and how they fit into the story.

To create my storyline I am working off the characters and plot of the book 'Little Red Riding Hood' by Charles Perrault. I have decided to adapt and twist the story, making it a little more bizarre and disturbing as this is something I often enjoy in a story or plot. I want to focus on the mother of the story, who sends her daughter, little red riding hood out on a quest to deliver a gift to her grandmother who lives in another town. I want the keep this character's spear of action as the dispatcher as It sticks to the story line but I also want to mix something a little different in there too.

So the story line is that the mother has found out that the grandmother has actually kept a large sum of money hidden from her somewhere in the cottage she lives in. The mother becomes filled with rage and greed starts to control her. Her envy and lust for the wealth causes her to become obsessed with the money and leads her to creating a plan which will allow her to get it. But this plan involves the killing her own mother and daughter as she wants the money all to herself and doesn't want anyone else to have or inherit it.

Her plan is to send her daughter out on a wild goose chase were she will be fooled into believing that she is visiting her grandmother but she will actually be hunted down by the big bad wolf who is a trained mercenary. But little does the mother know that there family is cursed and that when a certain emotion starts to control them they turn into a demon which allows them to become more powerful. This is the reason the mother looks the way she does, as greed has completely absorbed her and morphed her into a monster.

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