Monday 20 October 2014

Looking at a 2D side scroller

After looking at a 3D stylised game to explore possible game play options, I decided to look at a 2D side scroller game, which is the type of platform I want to use for my concept. I had already looked a couple for image research which was all well and good but I didn't want to re use any research so I asked around for suggestions for a side scrolling game which had a similar feel to my own concept.
One of my friends suggested 'Pid' which was a game I had never heard of before, so I began to do a little research, mainly by watching walk throughs on YouTube and scrolling through Wikipedia.


Pid is a 2D side scrolling puzzle based video game which developed by 'Might and Delight' and released in October 2012. It is a console 'extra' game so it could be played on the Xbox 360 via the Xbox live arcade and on the PlayStation 3 through the PSN.

You play as a young boy called Kurt who has, for some unknown reason, been left stranded on a remote and strange alien planet. He decides to explore the curious land he is living on but ends up meeting and befriending inhabitants of the planet who help to try and return to boy to his home as well as running into large amounts of threatening robots who have other more violent intentions. Your goal is to uncover mysterious of the alien planet and return safely to your home.

Gameplay wise the player must utilise a large amount of different game play styles and mechanics to be able to solve the puzzles that lay ahead of them. For example, Kurt posses a type of tool that allows him to create a white beam of light which creates a anti gravity of sorts which he can use to propel himself and move Kurt in certain ways that can be used to solve many the puzzles, this is a fairly similar concept which is found in the game 'Portal'. This methods is a key was that Kurt is able to interact with the game environment but it isn't the only option. as you travel through the game you stumble across new tool's for him to use to help him survive in the alien terrain. One example is of a pair of blue and red coloured bombs which can be used to hurt enemies but only if the time of your throw is right as this game is all about strategy, timing and solving problems.

There is also a multiplayer option which allows you to play co-op with your friends, enabling you both to be able to try and solve puzzles and defeat the robot enemies as well as working against each other to test each players skills.

Funnily enough this game was created using the software we have been learning how to use these last few weeks, 'unity' which is fantastic as it allowed me to see level of games 2D games could be produced using this program. From watching the video further up in the post which was a trailer of 'Pid's gameplay, mainly focusing on the first level which was set in the cave, I could see a slightly similar mechanic which I knew I was aiming for to make my concept work. This was the design of a dark background with a small dim area of light which is exactly what I would need to do to make my game work so it was nice to see that this effect could be achieved using unity.

Having a look at this game allowed me to see what Unity was capable of when it came to 2D side scrollers even thought I am aware that this was created by experienced and talented game designers and animator but it still gave me a large amount of confidence for creating my prototype. The next stage for me is to start writing pretty much everything about my concept, going into detail about each aspect to make sure I have a strong and doable concept to work on.

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