Wednesday 22 October 2014

Presenting our concept to the class

Thinking about my game idea so far

For our third Monday session we were focusing on developing our game concept. We were asked to spend around a hour and a half creating a small power point presentation with information and images relating to our idea on each slide before we gave a small 2 minute talk to the class about our concept and then receive positive and negative feedback. 

This was a helpful exercise as it allowed us to really think about and focus on all the key parts of our concept, the mechanics and making sure the the story line made sense. I quickly made two slides which can be seen below. I tried to add in all the important pieces of information about my game that we told to think about in the design process and information about the story line and game play so that people would be able to clearly understand my idea and, with the visual aids I added, try to visualise the design in their head. 

One piece of my game concept that did change is the platform it would be played on. Originally I had hoped for it to be used on a android phone or tablet but I believe that the touch system would have to be too difficult to use for this sort of game so I changed my market to the PC and Nintendo DS as they are far better suited to the game play I will be using. 

When it came to feedback I was pretty disappointed as I was hoping for some really critical suggestions so that I would be able to build on my game a little more but unfortunately this didn't happen and all I got was pretty much silence and smiles. One of classmates did ask about what the two characters were going to look like and I gave him a vague idea but it will probably be best for me to start working on character concepts to help get a better feel of the style of my game. 

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