Saturday 24 January 2015

Moving on with the design process

Completing my value studies 

After talking to my tutor recently about the technique I had been using previously, which consist of a cartoon style and bold outlines, he and I discussed what I would need to change it to be able to create rougher and sketchier value studies. This was needed to be done so that I would be able to get more ideas from just one image and come up with more creative designs and hopefully spend less time stressing over my pieces and trying to make them look perfect. Previously I created four value studies trying to stick to the technique that my tutor Nigel taught me which all seemed to turn out okay although I spent more time on them then I should of.

Baring this in mind I decided to produce eight more value studies, trying to keep the style used in the previous four but this time working on how quickly I drew them out. I made sure to work quickly when producing these value studies so I made sure that I only took 5 minutes on each one before moving onto the next panel and then not going back to edit them as I really wanted to keep these sketches as rough and imperfect as my Tutor had suggested. Honestly I am not to keen on how they turned out or look stylistically but I stuck to what my tutor told me to do and now I am can onto the next stage of the process which is colour studies.

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