Wednesday 21 October 2015

Continuing with the orrery design process

Ocean orrery final design

So after I had thought about what kind of Orrery I wanted to create and what kind of style and shape I wanted it in, the next step in the process was to start working on a model sheet. This honestly was the part of the mini brief I was little apprehensive about working on as I am really not very good with technical drawings and I knew that this was going to have to be really well laid out and need to explain different things like the mechanics and how my orrery operated, basically information that would need to be passed along to a modeller if this was a design in the games industry, but I am really not too great at this sort of thing. So I decided that to make things easier on myself and whoever was going to look at this model sheet that I would keep it very simplistic and make sure to add things like comments and colours here and there so that It would be easier to understand the design and how it operates. My finished model sheet can be seen down below.

After I completed my model sheet and figured out exactly how my mechanical piece was going to operate, as well as choosing the certain colours that the ocean based orrery would featured I decided to just get on with completing my final piece. I wanted to continue my practice with digital painting in Photoshop for this piece and opted for creating my final piece without any line art and just using simple colours and shading, in order to get the sort of effect I was building up in my disgust piece. I also thought I might be good idea to set a scene for my piece, instead of just having a plain white background like I usually do, and to instead have a go at creating a background. So I decided to just have a little experiment to with textures and shading to try and create a refines, neat final piece which I think I achieved quite well. My final orrery piece can be seen below. Overall I am quite pleased with how this piece turned out, it's not fantastic, but it's a start and hopefully I will be able to improve my digital painting from here.

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