Wednesday 23 December 2015

Continuing with the third mini brief

Figuring out what type of tree house I want to design

So now that I have completed a good chunk of my studio work I have decided that I need to get back into the swing of finishing off any outstanding mini briefs that I may still have to be completed. Technically based on the time table I made earlier on the year I am still on track as I am in the stage where I should be finishing up any work that needs to be done, which is alright, however I do have quite a bit to do as I wasn't able to complete some of the given mini briefs by the date they were set to finish. This is a bit of a pain but I am determined if I work hard I can get them completed and out of the way.

So after I made my tree house mood boards I had to have a good think as to what kind of design I wanted to create for this mini brief as there really were a lot of different options to go with. However it was actually when I was watching an anime called 'Kamisama Hajimemashita' and wasn't really thinking about the mini brief that a design idea dawned on me. I decided that I wanted to have a go a creating a Japanese style tree house that looks similar to that of a ancient Japanese temple which has been built in a cherry blossom tree. I thought stylistically this would look quite athletically beautiful and would allow me to get some nice colour and cultural design into my work. So with an idea In mind I decided to expand my image research a little and collect some pictures of both in bloom blossom trees and some ancient temples that reside in Japan so that I had some solid images references for when I decided to design the tree house. The mood board I created consisting of my collected research images can be seen below.

Now that I had some strong images I could use for design references I immediately got to work on getting down a few initial sketch ideas of what the tree house could possibly look like in order for me to be able to make a model sheet later on. A few weeks ago I had really struggled with just getting a simple tree house sketch down on paper as I was just finding the technicality of it, like the perspective and scale, quite tricky as environment art really isn't my strong point, however, this time around I actually found drawing out some ideas much easier. I think the first time around I wasn't one hundred percent certain what my idea was going to be but now I had some creative influence getting an idea down on paper was much simpler. I decided that as cherry blossom trees tend not to grow very tall, the tree-house would be a home to small Japanese spirits instead of regular sized humans so I just popped a few sketches down of this idea and what I drew can be seen below.

I am actually really quite pleased with how this turned out as I usually struggle with drawing buildings and it was the first time ever that I had done something as simple as drawing a tree but I think it turned out alright to be honest. It is still something that I could certainly improve on though. So now I have a fairly good idea of what to produce for my model sheet. Then I just need to find a few textures that match what can be found on a cherry blossom tree and a Japanese temple and then my tree house mini brief will be good to go.

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