Monday 2 February 2015

Staring a new Art Test

Learning about the new Art Tests

So now that that the time period which we were meant to have completed our first art test is officially over, it was time for us to receive a brand new brief. I was a tad nervous about being told what the new briefs were as firstly I was still struggling a tad with finishing up what I have to complete for the first art test which is three final environments pieces and secondly, the fact that I new that these briefs would be from actual game industry. This was a little nerve racking as members of the specific industry will be looking over and critiquing the work we have produces, so I know I would have to push myself to do the best work I can create for the Art Test I choose.

On the first week of the new brief we were given a short lecture which involved showing the class what the different tests were that we could choose from and a very brief explanation on each one, telling us what we were allowed the say and post from brief as obviously the industries have a tight lock on all of their information and art. After being told what each Art Test entailed it was very easy for me to make my decision as one of the options really stood out for me as i was hoping for there to be a test like it in this section of BA5 since I forced myself to do environments for the previous assignment.

Which one I have chosen to focus on

The brief I have chosen to do has been given to us by the indie game company 'Chucklefish' and is all centred around character design which is why I instantly took a liking to it. I knew I wanted to go back to something familiar and that I knew I would enjoyed instead of pushing myself for the second time to try something different and it not going as planned. As I have to be fairly careful with how much I write about the Art Test on my blog I can very briefly explain what I will have to do and then go straight onto research. This means that throughout this test I won't be as writing in as much detail as I usually do which to be honest I think that might be a little tricky for me as I do like a good babble.

Essentially the Chucklefish art test comes in two parts. The first section we have to complete involves us looking at and researching into their most popular game 'Starbound'. After we have a solid idea of what the game is and what it involves we have to then narrow down our research and start focusing on the different races which can be found in game. From this will we have found examples of the different pixel characters in the game and then we move onto the design side of the art test where we have to redesign these characters through our own interpretation. Completing this part of the brief will then help when it comes to the second part which is where we have to create a piece of promo art based of the ones that already exist for Starbound, using our interpretation designs.

So far I am really excited to start working on this art test as all the information and images we have seen of the game all have a cartoonish style which means my art style will work really well for this brief. Starbound itself looks like a really fun little pixel game with a hell of a lot of variety packed into it so I am interested to research into it and find out more about is game play and interactions for players. Next stage for me is to get some initial research done to make sure I start on the right path. I am feeling really positive about this brief so I can't wait to get started.

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