Sunday 22 February 2015

Finishing the first art test

Completing my 3 final environment pieces 

After receiving my week long extension on Friday the 20th of February I knew that I now had extra yet limited time to complete any work that I wasn't able to finish by my original hand in date. I knew beforehand that there were a few parts of my work that would have been missing if I had handed in my project when I did. One of the main parts of this was the 3 environments pieces which I was supposed to have completed for the concept pre-visualisation art test earlier on in the process.

Unfortunately for the first chunk of BA5 I have much of a love hate relationship with the first art test I choose. As I was pushed to try something different and not to choose the character design one I felt pretty uncomfortable throughout the course of the brief. I didn't and still don't feel very comfortable with drawing environment art and I was always highly critical of the work I did produce as I wasn't confident that it was good enough. This is feeling that I hoped would have changed once I finally came back to this art test after completing the brief set by Chucklefish but frankly that wasn't the case.

I started off by picking three out of the five colour studies that I had completed previously which I liked the most and though I could get the best image out of. After this I made sure I dedicated enough time to creating each final piece before I moved onto the next one so that I felt satisfied that I have worked enough to produce each image. Although I spent a considerable amount of time on each environment piece and tried to make them as good as I could without going into unnecessary amounts of detail I am still not very pleased with them. If I had the choice I would spend days on each piece just trying to get it perfect but I still remember my tutor Nigel telling me not to make them so neat and to just go a bit wild with my painting which is what I tried to achieve with these three pieces but I don't the end result is what he will want to see. Although I don't really like these pieces, I think my environment work has improved from BA1 which is the last time we had to do a similar final piece, which is something I suppose. Overall I am pleased that I now have actually have 3 final pieces to hand in so I am really grateful for the extra time I have been given, it has certainly helped relieve some of the stress.

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