Friday 27 November 2015

Experimenting with art programmes

Just bought the Paintstorm studio software 

This is just a super quick little post about a new software that I have just bought. I am always more than happy to try out different art programmes to see what kind of effects they have and to see if I prefer any over the others I already have and, luckily this evening one of my fellow students mentioned that the art programme 'Paintstorm studio' was on offer today for £10 due to it being Black Friday. He also posted a video below of all the different bits and pieces the software could do and needless to say I was pretty impressed. The video can be seen below along with a demo animation created in Paintstorm studio.

So after I had bought the software and had a little look at what it was capable of doing either by watching some tutorial videos or madly just going through all the brushes and squiggling lines on the blank canvas I decided it might be fun to try and draw out a character sketch to see if I could do a simple piece of line art in this software. As I am trying to get faster at my digital drawing it was nice to have a little practice with the Paintstorm studio software to see how quickly I could get a simple drawing down and what it looks like when complete. Like Photoshop this artistic programme has loads of different setting and tools to play around with so it took me a little while to find something I was comfortable with but in the end I ended up drawing what can be seen in the image below. I am actually really happy with how this little sketch turned out as I was having a practice of a possible art style I could use for my studio work and I think it looks quite nice. If I have any spare time I might have a go with a couple more warm up sketches in this programme as well as a little practice with some environment art but that all depends if I actually have time to or not.

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