Monday 23 March 2015

The beginning of my research

Looking at 2D character art 

As for BA6 I have decided to be focusing on 2D character art as my specialised area I decided that I should start off very basically with my research and have a look into different 2D pieces. This would help me right from the beginning of the process to help me to get some artistic and creative inspiration as well as starting thinking about how I want to go about my project, what art style will I be working in, what medium will I use ext. I started off by simply having a browse through the collection of artists pieces I had Favorited from the site 'Deviant art' and picked out a few that were of 2D characters and then put them into few mood boards so I would easily be able to refer back to them if I wanted to use them as a reference for anything. Not all of the pieces I choose were typical characters designs, which usually consist of showing a full body figure so you can see their full design in detail, some of them were simply head and torso pieces that I liked either because of the colouring or expression or just the design in general. Either way, each piece I have picked will become some sort of inspiration to me when I come to designing my characters.

Once I had completed this, I thought about a different aspect I could briefly have a look at. Instead of just looking at character concepts by other artists, I wanted to make another small mood board but this time it would be of different character designs from Animes I have watched. I have spent quite a large amount of time watching Anime as it is my favourite form of 2D animation and one my absolute favourite things. It's many different shows and stories always seem to interest me and make me feel inspired. I had a brain  storm through the large amount of shows I have seen and picked out some images of characters I had liked the most. This aspect will also allow another element of design ideas for me to consider when I get to the creative process.

Now I have completed this small bit of artistic research to begin with, I am going to move onto the more scientific side of my idea, looking at the different circumstances earth could be up against in the future which is something I need to pin point and get done before I continue with anything creatively  design wise.

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