Thursday 31 March 2016

Moving on in the design process

Picking my characters and working on hair variations 

So once I had finished drawing out, and having a bit of a practice colour of each of my candy characters and I felt like I had given a good enough visual example to show what each of them would look like it was time for me to move on in the creation process and to start picking which character designs I wanted to take further and work on a little more. Honestly, I actually really like all of my characters a lot and I feel quite passionately about them so I found it a little difficult to try and narrow down which designs I wanted to go with. My tutor had suggested to me that, as he feels I have plenty of time left I should probably think about doing three to four final designs instead of just two, just so I have a bigger body of work and so I decided, so that I didn't swamp myself, that I would choose three characters to design further.

One of the reasons that I chose this amount of characters is because I had previously looked at the three different types of shapes that are used in shape theory and have actually subtly added them into my characters designs and so, having three characters would allow me to choose one of my designs who is more circle based, one who is more square based and one who is more triangle based. And so as far as circle based designs go I decided, as she was my inspiration from the start, to stick with Bubblelina, then for a more triangular look I choose Lemona as her appearance is far more sharp than the others and finally, with the most square looking elements I choose Leequorice. I think these were good choices as they all subtly show the use of shape theory and are all very expressive so I think I am going to have fun with their designs. Once I had picked out which characters I was now focusing on I pretty much just got straight to work on what I had planned to do next which was a hairstyle variation page to show a few possible dos for my chosen characters for some style variation. This is always something I love playing around with and so I just had a bit of fun with each one and tried out some different looks whilst still sticking with their chosen shapes.

Once I had created hairstyles that I was happy with and I thought suited each of my characters I decided to get a little a feedback on what I had done by asking other people which design they liked the most for each. We have always been told that getting feedback on our work is really important as people can spot things you might have missed and it is a way to help us improve, as well as this in the industry your work will always been critiqued and sometimes someone might pick a design you have done that potentially isn't your favourite but you can't always  just go with what you want to do so other peoples feedback is really important. So I posted my designs on the games art and design page that we have on Facebook to get my peers opinions on the hairstyle variations I had done and I also showed some members of my family my designs too to get some different opinions on what I had done. I have posted a screenshot of the feedback I got from my peers below. 

Sometimes the Facebook page can be a little quiet when it comes to things like this as people can't really be bothered to answer which is a shame but thankfully I got some really good feedback this time around from everyone who I asked and, in each characters case, there seemed to be one design in particular that people liked and so, after tallying up what people had said, the chosen hairstyles were: 

Bubblelina - 3
Lemona - 3
Leequorice - 5

Honestly not all of the ones that were chosen by other people were particularly my favourites out of the lot but that it why I did this, so I could see what other people think and incorporate their opinions into my work. So now I have gotten some good feedback I will be able to use each chosen hairstyle in my model sheets when I get round to them but for now I will crack on with some clothing variations and go through the same process of feedback again to see which one is the most popular. 

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