Saturday 12 March 2016

Anatomy class update

Still modelling the lower part of the body 

I have just realised that I haven't done an anatomy work shop blog post in a while so I thought I'd better bring everything up to speed and just re cap on what I have been doing over the last few weeks. So essentially there have been three sessions since I last updated but we have only made a little bit of progress on the leg each week and haven't actually gotten that far ahead so there isn't a lot to write about. We have mainly been working on creating the thigh muscles, building them up bit by bit to make sure we know how each part works and we have also started focusing on a new part of the lower part of the body which was the foot.

This was nice to have a go at modelling because it was actually really simple to do and we went back to using the original white wax we had started with at the beginning. As the foot is made up of very very tiny intricate bones, obviously we weren't going to add this level of detail to the model otherwise it would be way too fiddly so we worked on building up the foot in bit chunks instead as it is a lot simpler to do and made sure our model was more structurally sound. We did however all had a look at the plastic models that Ron had bought in that show each foot bone in detail so that we knew what that area actually looked like for reference. Honestly this was the fiddliest bit we have worked on so far as trying to get the toes to stick and bend the right way was a bit of a challenge as the parts were so small but I think we all got there in the end. I have as per usual popped a few visual examples I found online of the area we were focusing on down below.

Visual examples of the areas of the body we are modelling 

I am actually pretty pleased with how my model is looking so far as with the little extra muscles and adding on the feet it is starting to come together a bit more. I am still really excited to keep working on it and building it up week by week as honestly these have been my favourite classes we have ever had at University. I think they have been really helpful for us to learn about the bodies shape and how the muscles work and I wish this is something that we had been taught right at the beginning of year one as I feel it was have benefited us more then but even so I am still really happy we are getting to do this. It is a great class. Below are a few up to date photos of what my model is looking like so far from a few different angles so you can see the front and the back.

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