Saturday 9 April 2016

Working on my characters clothing

Doing some outfit variations and getting some feedback 

After I had finished working on and getting some feedback on my hairstyle variations I completed I thought the best thing to do would be to just keep the ball rolling on and get on with drawing out my three characters different clothing possibilities. This is always a part of the character design process that I really enjoy as a think even something as simple as an outfit can really shape how you want that character to look and what sort of vibe you want them to give off. So I drew out a few bases so that I would have a body shape to sketch on top of and decided to stick with four designs per character as then there wasn't too much to choose from but still a good variety of options and I kept everything digital so that it would be easier to tweak and colour later on. As I drew the clothing designs I made sure that I kept in mind my characters personality and their chosen shapes as well as having a look some photographs of the sweets they are based on and the mood board of clothing references I had made  previously so that I was combining all of this information together to, hopefully, create some good solid designs.

Overall I am honestly quite happy with how my designs came out for each of my candy characters as I was able to capture pretty much exactly how I wanted each one to look. I chose clothing that, personally, I think compliments their personalities so I am happy with how they look. I have popped my final clothing variations down below.

Once I had finished of clothing variation pages for each of my characters I got on with, the same as I did with the hairstyle options, posting them on the games art and design Facebook page for a little bit of feedback and, again, showed the options to my family as well for some extra opinions. I feel like hearing other peoples opinions on my work can be really useful as sometimes I get so wrapped up in it that I cant see any major flaws until it's too late to tweak it so hearing what other people think about it is always helpful early on in the process. Once again the group was kinda quite quiet when it came to giving some feedback which was a real shame but the few recurring members of my class who did answer were really helpful and I was able to narrow down which options I wanted to go for with their and my families opinions. 

Bubblelina - 2 
Leequorice - 3
Lemona - 3 

Again, similar to the hairstyle variations I drew, the most popular designs chosen for each of my characters weren't necessarily my favourites but I appreciate everyone's feedback on the different options I drew and now that I have gotten this part of the process done and I know which outfits I am working on I can move onto the next stage which is colour variations. This honestly shouldn't take too long to do as I will just be swapping a few colours around and playing with each characters chosen colour palette so hopefully I will be able to post about my progress again soon. 

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