Saturday 23 April 2016

Planning out my final piece

Doing a few rough thumbnails 

Once I had finished working on my characters model sheets I got straight on with thinking up some ideas of what my final piece could be. I didn't really have any strong ideas right away which made things a little difficult, all I knew it that I wanted my piece to be able to show the expressiveness of my characters as a way to sort of summarise my project. So with a vague idea in mind I decided to go back and look through all the work I had produced to try and get a bit of inspirations for what I could possibly design. I had a look at all my moodboards from BA3a and BA3b for possible ideas and as I re looked at all of this I started to sketch out some really rough thumbnails for what my final piece could possibly look like. As I began drawing I gave myself four different possible design ideas to work off of so that I had some sort of basic plan for what each sketch was going to be so that my drawing had some direction. These were:

1. Possible game poster
2. Environment design
3.Individual character promo art 
4. Group character promo art

I did this so that my thumbnails would have  bit of variety too them instead of doing similar sketches over and over again and, one they were finished,  it was very much a case of picking and choosing which one I wanted to do. Honestly out of all the designs I sketches my favourite was the group character promo art thumbnails as It was exactly the sort of thing I was aiming for, interaction between my three designed characters and I just didn't feel like the others were as strong so this is that one I am deciding to go with. Also the idea of having my characters take a selfie together is just something I knew i'd like to draw as it's just cute and fun and I thought that just summed up my project pretty well. I think I am going to have a lot of fun creating this piece and I am excited to start working on it now. 

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