Monday 11 April 2016

Continuing with the clothing

Making some final colour variations 

This is just another quick blog post to talk about the next step I took in the character design process and as it takes a very similar format to the hairstyle variations and clothing variations I wrote about previously I wont talk about it too much. So once had finished getting some feedback on my final clothing designs for each of my characters and choosing which outfit was the most popular I got straight on with experimenting with some different colour variations for the most popular clothing choices. Essentially this was a really quick little thing I needed to do to make sure I wasn't just sticking with the same colour scheme I had chosen for the outfit originally as different colour combinations could potentially work better so I decided to give this a go. I made sure I was looking at the colour palettes I had made for each of my candy characters back in BA3A as well as images of each characters chosen sweet so that I was using the right colours. The reason I have chosen to do that is because, as I mentioned previously, even though I have looked at the use colour theory, I am not going to actually use it in my project as I feel like if I was matching my characters personalities to colours then they wouldn't look like their chosen sweets any more. So that's why I didn't incorporate colour theory and decided to go with subtle shape theory instead.

I decided to stick to using 4 basic colours for each characters so that each design didn't become over run with different shades and tones so that the clothing remained cartoon looking as I am not aiming for realistic stuff with these designs. So my final colour variations can be seen in the images below and even though they were quick to do I really quite like them.

So, once again, I did exactly the same thing in the ways of feedback, posting stuff on the games art page and asking family members for their opinions as this seemed to be a system that was working and I was getting some good feedback. Actually even though I havent had many responses in the past, this time around people seemed a lot more eager to tell me what they thought of the colour variations I had chosen which was wonderful to hear. Not only was I told what their favourite design was but I was also getting some feedback on stuff that I could change on my Lemona piece which was great as what they pointed out was something I hadn't even noticed before which is one of the reasons I like getting other peoples opinions on my work. I have popped screenshots of the posts I added to the group down below so you can see the feedback I was given by my fellow peers, who were all very helpful, and below that I have also put which were the post popular colour combination options.

Bubblelina - 3
Leequorice - 2 
Lemona - 3 

Now that I have gotten all my feedback that I needed for my different design variations and am really happy with what has been chosen and know what I need to tweak I can finally move onto combining all of these design factors together to create my three model sheets for my characters which I am looking forward to doing as I think it will make them look more final. I am also interested to see how the hairstyle, clothing and colour scheme will all work together, it might need a little tweaking here and there which I am sure I can do but I imagine it is going to work quite nicely. I think I will be making my model sheets digitally as It just makes everything easier to do but first I need to go over the different model sheets I collected as reference at the beginning of the new term so I know what sort of thing I am aiming for. I am hoping to do a front, side and back facing pose so we will see how that works out as I progress on. 

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